Did you know?

According to the US Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, the 2018 Small Business Profile, there are 3.9 million businesses in California for which, 99.8% of California Businesses are small businesses. According to the California EDD Labor Market Information 3Q2017, San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA (San Diego County) captures 102,774 businesses. Of these businesses 98,398 have employees with less than 50 employees. Of those businesses, 80,874 have less than 10 employees. Even more startling, 67,064 small businesses have less than five employees.

This means the small business owner is more challenged with job allocation resources. This also means that with the overwhelming number of local small businesses, there is more than enough market for South Coast Accounting Solutions and other competitor firms to be sustained.

Did you know?

Interestingly, in an Article published December 31, 2018 by Josh Bersin (Global Industry Analyst, on behalf of Linked In), the study in 2017 showed that 27% of employees believe they are spending an entire day a week dealing with emails that are irrelevant to their jobs. More than 4 hours a day are spent on our phones. In addition, the average company now has seven different systems for communications. The net result is that many companies are in a “digital overload” state, and unless you’re a deskless worker you’re “glued to your computer” all day.

Where does this leave the small business owner who is struggling to be “productive”? The small business owner is so busy trying to make payroll, pay the bills, plus scrambling to answer the emails, get on the phone, then work on productivity goals. There is little time and energy left for business owners and their productive staff to allocate time on accounting and administrative needs.

Did you know?

South Coast Accounting Solutions, based in the City of San Diego is dedicated to help your business succeed by taking these important financial tasks into our hands and deliver you with accounting results.

We work all day, and many times into the wee hours of the evening/morning, including some weekends to deliver! That’s the red-carpet treatment.

Using todays technology, effort can be timeless. We can log into your QuickBooks whether on line or on your computer or server and make your numbers “happen”. We would rather work smart and not spend 1 hour on the road to and from your office and put that driving time into driving financial numbers for you.

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